Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pisces Horoscope October 2012

Pisces Horoscope October 2012

 You're feeling especially optimistic about your work this month, dear Pisces, and you're being received in a wonderfully charming light. It's easy to rally up support now. As long as you avoid the trap of taking on too many responsibilities, you'll be fine later in the month when complications can arise and things become extremely busy. Don't spread yourself out too thin. Problems that have been brewing in your close relationships can become pressing from the 11th forward. Conversations are helpful around the 15-16, but backtracking is likely from the 24th forward.

Aquarius Horoscope November 2012

Aquarius Horoscope November 2012

 While your career initiatives remain on the front burner in November, dear Aquarius, pressure to perform is reduced, and your social life begins to take more priority. You're in high demand with friends, and group activities can keep you pleasantly busy this month. Even so, exercise moderation when it comes to answering those demands, as the last week of November can be especially hectic and you may regret having scheduled too many activities. A partner's behavior can be baffling around the 6-7 2012. Financial matters become clearer but more pressing.

Capricorn Horoscope November 2012

Capricorn Horoscope November 2012

 Your private life is especially animated this month, dear Capricorn. You're not as willing to share your feelings with the world in November, and personal plans are in an early stage of development. You're in a period of reflection and preparation, so take things as slowly as you can. Sacrifices may need to be made when it comes to your relationships - you are required to be sympathetic and helpful now. The last few days of the month, however, bring love matters up front and center. Appreciation for your efforts is forthcoming now.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Sagittarius Horoscope October 2012

Sagittarius Horoscope October 2012

 Personal popularity soars this month, dear Sagittarius. Your independent spirit pushes up and out, and you enjoy plenty of scope for doing your own thing. Others take special interest in you. Enhancing your appearance in some manner serves to increase your confidence even further. Career and finances are especially strong, particularly on the 15-16 and 23-27. Even so, be careful that you don't let runaway optimism lead you to take on more projects than you can handle, as you'll likely feel the pressure in the last week of the month.

Scorpio Horoscope October 2012

Scorpio Horoscope October 2012

 Financial matters seem very promising this month, dear Scorpio, but do be careful that you don't overdo spending or purchase large ticket items that you are likely to regret later in November. Ambiguity surrounding career matters on the 6-7 clears up by the 15-16. Romantic proclamations or relationship challenges are likely on the 10th. Trust issues are in play. Trying to separate fact from fiction in your love life could put you on an emotional rollercoaster. Personal impact is strong this month, especially from the 11th forward.

Libra Horoscope October 2012

Libra Horoscope October 2012

 You're so busy this month that it's easy to get distracted and miss important information, dear Libra. Working your charm is effortless now, however, but do watch for confusion in love and friendship on the 6-7. After this, you're much better off with more clarity in these areas of life. Mechanical break-downs, misinformation, dealing with red tape, and other such annoyances, are likely in the last week of October. Concentrate on getting your work done well the first time so you won't have to redo things later.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Virgo Horoscope October 2012

Virgo Horoscope October 2012

October 2012 could highlight some connections between the relational life and material issues, on one hand, and the mental issues, on the other. Thus, you might reach certain financial decisions together with your partner, receive a present from him/her, or do business together. Likewise, sentimental relationships might grow around intellectual affinities and preoccupations.

Writing and speaking, acquiring and sharing information, courses, exams, tests, negotiations will improve the professional picture, taking any shape, from the commonest to the most sophisticated.

Even if there are no troubles, you seem to be forced to take some medical measures or measures that are connected to eating habits and lifestyle.

Leo Horoscope October 2012

Leo Horoscope October 2012

In October 2012 you won't have the patience to wait; on the contrary, you'll immediately take action. The attitude will be that of a conqueror, not of a seducer, meaning frontal action, not deluding. This approach can have spectacular results, but not everybody likes to be attacked at no notice. Some more diplomacy wouldn't hurt.

At the opposite pole, if something is not working in the relationship, you'll risk reacting rashly and generating an open conflict.

Mars is a fast and enterprising planet, but rather rash sometimes. It's important that you don't give in to anxiousness, but be careful about words and actions instead. Especially since you'll have to have more important discussions, to negotiate some transactions, contracts or collaborations, attend an interview or sit an exam, all with a long-term stake.

Cancer Horoscope October 2012

Cancer Horoscope October 2012

Venus' transit will lead to a boost in the erotic impulse and will predispose to falling in love. It is usually more favorable to flirts, adventure, responsibility-free and unofficial affairs, and to relationships in the early phase, when feelings are hot.

Under such influence, there'll be more chances for love to find you.

It'll be a good period for you that will support changes of professional objectives, future projects, business and finance initiative.

The positive changes related to your work or to the work atmosphere might be connected to friends or to the protective attitude of a person in a strong position.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Horoscope October 2012 Gemini

October 2012 seems to try to separate feelings from sexuality. Thus, the emotional side will be more active in the first decanate only, while sexuality maintains active until the end of the month.

The situation could be explained in several ways. One of them would be that you're into a relationship with affective stability and a certain routine, but the subject of eroticism is under discussion and requires some measures.

In October 2012 you'll be energetic and resourceful, and eager to manifest accordingly. You'll take the initiative, speak, move, negotiate, and inform yourself. Maybe you'll have a sort of probation or attend an interview.

Though dynamic, the work atmosphere will be relaxed. You'll work with pleasure, do things that motivate you, get along with workmates, while they will support your projects.port your projects.

Horoscope October 2012 Taurus

The first decanate of October 2012 will be somehow neuter or will develop much in the same way as the preceding month.

Things will change starting with October 9th 2012, when Venus, the planet of love, enters your house of couples. The need for love will grow, the romantic opportunities will multiply, and if you haven't found a partner yet, the chances will go up. You'll attract more easily, by a more charming style, and you'll enjoy flirting.

In other words, October 2012 will inaugurate a favorable season to work partnerships. Associations and collaborations will be nice and productive, you'll establish contacts with the others very easily, you'll do good teamwork for which you'll be a cohesion factor and an opinion leader.

Horoscope October 2012 Aries

Horoscope October 2012 Aries

October 2012 will be an important month for your relationship, in which events with long-term effects can take place or in which you'll need to make a decision (or several) regarding the situation you and your partner are in.

It's possible that it is about a series of events that started in the last part of September, or about several episodes that seem to be independent from each other.

You can now finalize the already started procedures for an association or a contract and/or others might also come along. The decisions made now will be important, because this is what the development of the next months will depend on.

This is what the situation looks like: from now until springtime, the tendencies will be promising as concerns position, reaching objectives and material earnings, but the potential costs will be high in terms of stress, overload, stressful work conditions and, sometimes, turbulent work environment, possibly aggressive or risky.